Address Book | Remove Locations | Delphi | RemoveLocationsUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | remove-locations |
Address Book | Get Location | Delphi | GetLocationUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-a-location |
Address Book | Get Locations by IDs | Delphi | GetLocationsByIdsUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-locations-by-ids |
Address Book | Get Locations | Delphi | GetLocationsUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-locations |
Address Book | Location Search/GET specified fields from an address book by containing specified text in any field | Delphi | LocationSearchUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | location-search |
Address Book | Location Search/Display locations included in the routes | Delphi | DisplayRoutedUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | location-search |
Address Book | Update Location | Delphi | UpdateLocationUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | update-a-location |
Avoidance Zones | Create an Avoidance Zone/CREATE an Avoidance Zone with a circular shape | Delphi | AddCircleAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-an-avoidance-zone |
Avoidance Zones | Create an Avoidance Zone/CREATE an Avoidance Zone with a polygon shape | Delphi | AddPolygonAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-an-avoidance-zone |
Avoidance Zones | Create an Avoidance Zone/CREATE an Avoidance Zone with a rectangular shape | Delphi | AddRectangularAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-an-avoidance-zone |
Avoidance Zones | Get an Avoidance Zone | Delphi | GetAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-an-avoidance-zone |
Avoidance Zones | Get multiple Avoidance Zones | Delphi | GetAvoidanceZonesUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-multiple-avoidance-zones |
Avoidance Zones | Remove an Avoidance Zone | Delphi | DeleteAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | remove-an-avoidance-zone |
Avoidance Zones | Update an Avoidance Zone | Delphi | UpdateAvoidanceZoneUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | update-an-avoidance-zone |
Territories | Create a Territory/Create a new territory with a circular shape | Delphi | AddCircleTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-a-territory |
Territories | Create a Territory/CREATE a new Territory with a polygon shape | Delphi | AddPolygonTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-a-territory |
Territories | Create a Territory/Create a new territory with a rectangular shape | Delphi | AddRectangularTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | create-a-territory |
Territories | Get a Territory | Delphi | GetTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-a-territory |
Territories | Get Multiple Territories | Delphi | GetTerritoriesUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | get-multiple-territories |
Territories | Remove a Territory | Delphi | RemoveTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | remove-a-territory |
Territories | Update a Territory | Delphi | UpdateTerritoryUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | update-a-territory |
File Uploading | Preview File | Delphi | PreviewFileUnit.pas | Yes | No | |
File Uploading | Upload File | Delphi | | No | No | |
File Uploading | Upload Geocoding | Delphi | PreviewFileUnit.pas | Yes | No | |
File Uploading | Upload Excel File | Delphi | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | C#.NET | SearchRoutesForText.cs | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | VB.NET | SearchRoutesForText.vb | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Python | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Java | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Node | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | C++ | GetRouteByText.cpp | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Ruby | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | PHP | SearchRoute.php | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Go | Routing-Service#search-through-routes | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Scala | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Haskell | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Erlang | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Perl | | No | No | |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | curl (cmd) | search_routes.bat | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | curl (bash) | | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Vbscript | search_routes.wsf | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Routes | Search the Routes for a Specified Text | Delphi | SearchRoutesForSpecifiedTextUnit.pas | Yes | Yes | search-routes |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | C#.NET | GetDeviceHistoryTimeRange.cs | Yes | Yes | get-route-tracking-data |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | VB.NET | GetDeviceHistoryTimeRange.vb | Yes | Yes | get-route-tracking-data |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | Python | | No | No | |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | Java | | No | No | |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | Node | | No | No | |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | C++ | GetLocationHistory.cpp | Yes | Yes | get-route-tracking-data |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | Ruby | | No | No | |
Tracking | Get Device Location History from Time Range | PHP | GetDeviceTrackingHistoryFromTimeRange.php | Yes | Yes | get-route-tracking-data |